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From Loci Orthopaedics
Posted by Loci Orthopaedics | 21 June 2023
Loci Orthopaedics Earns New Patent for Thumb Base Joint Implant System

Loci Orthopaedics has been awarded a new patent for the bespoke implantation set for its InDx CMC Implant System.

In addition to the recently granted patent, other granted patents include the core design of its implant technology, the use of the same biomechanical design in additional joints, discrete elements of the implant design, and the use of the design post trapeziectomy.

Furthermore, the company recently received notification from the USPTO of its intention to grant a patent for the conversion of the design from a hemi-arthroplasty to a total arthroplasty. In total, the company has now been granted six individual patents for its implant system to treat thumb base joint arthritis. This makes Loci Orthopaedics the holder of one of the largest CMC joint implant patent portfolios.

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No4 Business Innovation Centre,
National University of Ireland Galway,

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